Did Heidegger Say Technology Is the Ultimate Danger?

“Contemplation on philosophy of technology and nature – comparison painting based on natural scenery and modern technologically advanced structures”.


Instead, the study of the face of technology was undertaken by one of the great philosophers of the twentieth-century, Martin Heidegger. As for the opinions which are closely connected with the statement about the technology as the ultimate danger. This paper is devoted to the analysis of Heidegger’s viewpoint on technology, the theoretical background as framework for his assumption, as well as the applicability of his thought in a world filled with modern technologies.

Heidegger’s Philosophy of Being

Heidegger’s work mainly concerns “Being” or “Dasein,” the manner of being of human beings or their presence in the world. According to Heidegger, the essence of anything must be seen in terms other than practical ones. In this context, technology, as said by him, is not just a list of apparatus but an epiphany —a concept to comprehend and comprehend the world.

What Did Heidegger Mean by Technology?

Heidegger claimed that technology is not just gadgets or implements: it is a way that modern humans experience the world. He called this framework “enframing” (Gestell), to which he asserted puts forward nature and all beings as mere commodities. For instance, while in the past, a forest was considered to be a living thing, it is regarded as “logs on the ground waiting to be cut down”.

Is Technology the Ultimate Danger?

Heidegger believes that the problem of technology does not rest with the objects but with the processes which Consider the two views below:. He said that enframing hides all the other possibilities of knowing the world and leaves only the possibility which frames Other Power. He therefore characterized this as a “technological mindset,” and he pointed out that it is a deeply existential danger.

The Question Concerning Technology

Heidegger has long ago written in his paper titled a question concerning technology that technology is neither good nor bad. However, the most important thing regarding the technological mode of thinking overemphasizes everything means that this form of thinking may eclipse other forms of existence and cognition, for example, arts, poetry, and philosophy. This led to what he referred to as “the oblivion of Being” because humanity ends up forgetting that they are beings that exist.

Technology as Both Threat and Opportunity

On the one hand, the Heidegger saw technology as a threat but, in the same breath, he held that it offered a chance. In a way, humans tend to ask questions about enframing and its capabilities if they are aware of what is at stake for them – namely the possibility of getting back to this truthful way of existing within the world. This means a transition from technology apprenticeship to critical accommodation of technology. At the same time, Heidegger was criticizing technology; he was also demanding the people to be aware of the activity and being responsible.

Relevance of Heidegger’s Views Today

If there are discussions about ‘AI’, artificial intelligence, automation and climate change, then it is high time that the Heideggerian conceptual framework captures more attention than ever. The application of technology as a mere remedy ignores ethical and environmental freedom repeatedly. Heidegger’s criticism makes us conscious of the negative potential of technology and instructs how it makes us dissect the relationship between technology and values and the world we inhabit.

Addressing Misinterpretations

It should be pointed out that Heidegger did not call for the rejection of technology at all. They interpreted it as a negative stance towards technology and what he was really worried about was the effect of technology on people’s thoughts. In so doing, people can both avoid risks of technological advancement and get most of the advantages that the technology has to offer.


As this paper seeks to show, Heidegger’s statement regarding technology as the existential threat is not a denunciation of advancement but encapsulates a message. His approach calls the audience and the self to consider how and in what manner technology defines their existence and how they should begin to improve the balance or fashion a healthy connection with it. Just as enframing has its dangers, so too does mindfulness enable man to utilise the possibilities of technology without eliminating their relation to Being.


Was technology only negative to Heidegger?

Instead of approaching technology as negative, which is something Heidegger did not do. He believed it essentially had a positive and negative side of it and all depended on how the human race approached it.

What does heidegger mean by enframing?

Heidegger named this structure of the technological enframing, stemming from and at the same time the same basic framework that sets a boundary to all other possible interpretations of reality.

What does it mean when the technology is referred to as the ultimate danger?

Heidegger wrote about technology as about a ‘final threat’ because it informs human thinking and can enframe the very human Dasein and Being.

Heidegger’s the question about technicity presents difficulties connected to esturgy How can we avoid technology according to Heidegger?

According to Heidegger, technology should thus be understood as an objectification of every thing by enframing; if man recollects from this state, and thinks in the sense of presence, by observing this essence of technology and reacting to it in a thoughtful manner, technologies can thus become safe again.

Is Heidegger’s critique of technology still valid?

Indeed Heidegger’s critique is very pertinent in the deadening world of technological dominance that has left behind ethical and ecological concerns.

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